Friday, August 26, 2011

Free 3d Screensavers

Free 3d Screensavers

All the screensavers on this site are original and non-commercial products. They have been created and animated using the Adobe Flash software package. The Flash programming language, called Actionscript, has been used extensively to create screensavers that do not follow standard patterns and conventions. Every time a screensaver is started, a program will run that will use a number of random calculations to create different effects on-screen. All the screensavers here feature some sort of random element or influence, resulting in something more organic, something different every time the saver runs, something that approximates to the randomness and chaos of life itself. The vines will never grow the same way, The spider will never scuttle in exactly the same direction and the tree will never have the same arrangement of branches.
Free 3d Screensavers
Free 3d Screensavers
Free 3d Screensavers
Free 3d Screensavers
Free 3d Screensavers
Free 3d Screensavers
Free 3d Screensavers
Free 3d Screensavers
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