Thursday, September 1, 2011

amore lontano

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  • utarlington
    01-29 12:53 AM
    Count me in. Just donated. Let me know if I can help fight this unfair memo in any way.

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  • marlon2006
    08-02 10:57 AM
    I am 50% done with an MBA from a top 18 school. Unless you are planning to start a career in financing or economics, *I seriously* doubt that rankings would make a lot of difference. For people in IT wanting to move to a CTO/CIO position, I cannot see how rankings would make a significant difference. Instead of spending the money and resources to go to a top school, I'd prefer to invest in certifications such as CISSP, management certifications, etc and then take a degree in a less known school would be totally OK. I agree that by going to a reputable school, you may meet people there that can help you get positions in the future. So far I've got an invitation to work for classmate's team, thanks to the connection I've made at the MBA.

    For those of with you without true passion for management and soft skills, you might want to consider a MSIS or MSIM instead. Those degrees usually are less expensive and less time consuming to achieve. I started the MBA planning that I would be a great CIO. After taking many courses at my MBA, I decided that the last thing I want is to be a CIO; CIO's are about people, executive management and I learned that's not where my passion is.

    Can anyone provide some useful insight based on personal experienceas to how valuable is Part Time MBA for oppurtunities in India?

    I am IT professional with lot of experience and currently pursuing Part time MBA from a business school which is ranked in top 25 and not in top 10.

    The way I see it that it will take me around 4 years to complete it and I have to invest atleast $30,000 even if I get employer to pay a part of it.

    In the end if it fetches me a top notch management position it will be well worth it. However I see limited chances of getting into management positions in US just based on MBA degree however I am not sure about India.

    Any thoughts?

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  • L#39;Amore lontano

  • goosetavo
    03-29 02:20 PM
    Posted to FB.

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  • notte amore mio lontano.

  • Desertfox
    12-11 06:26 PM
    Why dont you call VFS and find out what's happening and if they can help you to resolve this?

    The VFS website says the consulate is still holding the passport. My wife also applied for H1B on the sameday/sametime and she got her passport within 3 days. I doubt i am stuck because of this new PIMS rule. Should i send an e-mail to the consulate to confirm it?


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  • di un amore lontano

  • knnmbd
    06-07 12:58 PM
    I am married too, but i only said that there are other easier paths aswell.

    Regarding working late, i am a fulltime employee with H1-B and never came to office before 10:00AM and stayed after 6:00PM and never ever worked weekends. Mine can be an exceptional case, but what iam saying is, your relationship with your manager is important. This can make a lot of difference in your lives.
    As long as you deliver what is expected of you, you can even work 4 days a week and get paid for 40 hrs per week.

    I don't know, if we are deviating from our main discussion agenda started by LogicLife.

    I disagree with Logiclife on immigration to the U.S( or to any other country for that matter) being a right. All that would have made sense when the "new world" was discovered and does not hold any water in today's context.
    Also, we get paid for getting the job done not working hard. So just a claim of being the most hardworking "class" of prospective immigrants will not cut it.

    amore lontano. Buona notte amore mio lontano.
  • Buona notte amore mio lontano.

  • nraja
    07-11 05:06 PM
    Thanks for the mailing letter. I will forward the same message to my friends.



    amore lontano. Ti penso amore lontano,
  • Ti penso amore lontano,

  • darslee
    07-14 07:58 PM
    Some of us can do more than one thing at a time...:)

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  • di un amore lontano e

  • misanthrope
    10-03 12:12 PM
    Dude, I'm not flaming at you (it was gctest not you) but you also made really demeaning statements and then tried to retract them when you started getting reds, I think. Its not good to trash others.

    Which statements of mine are demeaning?
    I edited 2 posts because of grammatical errors.


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  • poesia di un amore lontano

  • when
    08-19 01:24 PM

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  • lontano in un futuro d#39;amore.

  • unitednations
    03-30 11:00 PM
    More likely cause is that the letter from the applicant notifying his new job never reached/registered in CIS systems.

    Did the person send the letter in time? Was there any intermediate change in status between NOID and actual denial status? This is crucial to know before jumping to conclusions.

    It was received well within time. If they don't receive resonse to request for evidence; they specifically mention it in the denial.

    right now; there is issue with on-line case status with uscis. Not always updating. This is not what it is.


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  • Grafica.Poesia.Amarsi.

  • Dipika
    09-17 01:05 PM
    Thank you sku! i appreciate!

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  • jimytomy
    04-01 03:10 PM
    Donated $50
    Transaction ID for this payment is: 2H217274GV995754H.



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  • saketh555
    07-30 06:13 PM
    Atleast you are taking a break from immigration.
    Try onlinetradingacademy, offcourse they are expensive but heard its worth if you wanna be trader but do DD before making a decision.
    I do swing trade and my portfolio consists only biomedical stocks which are around couple of bucks(can't efford more than that):D.

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  • dkin007
    01-19 10:15 AM
    I will contribute to fight this in all possible ways.


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  • satishku_2000
    05-23 02:19 PM
    The whole premise is influence. Meaning even though the lawmaker (representative) knows that the callers cannot vote or donate to his/her campaign yet, this "yet" is a powerful incentive. They know that sooner or later you will become a permanent resident and eventually a citizen and are already contributing towards the constituency by paying taxes, there will be an incentive to work for the agenda of tomorrow's influential populous. Therefore I believe that it will not hurt to call lawmakers and will make a strong show of support from his/her constituents. Of course, this is just one avenue and other avenues are also being pursued like petitions, lobbying, flyers, campaigns etc.

    Well said ..

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  • test101
    07-20 09:48 AM
    I submitted usps money orders for I-485 fees. Filed on july 2nd.

    Any way to find out if those money orders are enchashed or no?
    I did try google search and so far no answer.

    i did the same, because i thought that what my lawyer wanted.
    The only way to track tme money order is after 60 day from bying it. You can go to the post office and they will invistigated. it cost 5 dollars. They wont do it before 60 days. i went and asked.


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  • Rajeev
    01-31 12:24 PM

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  • vsrinir
    09-17 12:21 PM
    H.R. 6020 : would grant amnesty to illegal aliens who are family members of armed forces personnel.

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  • sundarpn
    06-01 10:31 PM

    How does one go about writing to the senator's office for an individual's case?
    Can you share how you went about this?


    Folks - another update on my case.

    As i had been following up my case with the help from my Senator's office, they requested USCIS to give a written decision on my MTR.

    Here is the written decision that USCIS gave

    "On March 27, 2009, you filed a motion to reopen. You indicated the use of the applicant's ability to "port" under section 106(c) of the American Competitiveness in the 21st Century Act (AC21). The requirements were met and the motion to reopen was approved.

    CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the grounds stated for denial have been overcome.

    ORDER: It is ordered that the motion to reopen be approved. The Form I-485 is "pre-adjudicated" awaiting visa availability."

    I hope this encourages people to go ahead with AC21

    07-21 07:28 AM
    One of my friends who is in Canada for a few years now tells me that the Canadian companies do recognize US experience. Another friend recently finished his MBA from the US ( after he went through the whole MS, job at a top company, GC process where labor got rejected after 4 years nonsense). He moved to Canada with a job offer, so it is much easier for him. Just don't go there and think you will find something. Make sure you have a job offer and only then go there.

    10-06 09:05 PM
    What you are seeing right now in US, you'll see that in India begining next year. Indian Property market is ripe for a crash. I wouldn't invest a penny until the dust settles...

    You have to understand how the market in India operates versus how it is run in developed countries especially in USA. I don't know if you noticed, but all the property transactions are conducted on credit in USA with minimum persnal contribution ( i.e. down payement). And now in hindsight, we all can understand how this practise was reason for bubble-brust. As an interested home-owner looking for houses currently, I have first hand experience. I say that beacuse people out-bidding me, even in todays market conditions, are putting down zero amount in down payment and in-turn even financing closing costs. So when you have minimal of personal equity at stake, it bothers you least to take risks on other peoples ( say banks) money.

    Now lets go to India, and I will stick to North-India, as that's where I have first hand expereience from. Go and talk to any property dealer and enquiry about properties. Wait for few weeks and return to find the rates have gone up. Well lets assume, you agreed upon the sale price and are now ready to conduct transaction. The property dealer is not going to ask you for SS number to check credit wortheness, but rather will ask for cash amount. You pay cash, you have the papers else don't waste time. So with business model, their is little risk involved and hence property business in North-India remains sizzling hot.

    If you can afford you must buy piece of land in North India. ALthough maintaining it always remains challange as their are no laws protecting you from Rich-Police-Politician gangs.