Monday, April 29, 2013

Tattoos For Men

When planning tattoos for men, the two most important decisions to make are choosing a design style, and choosing a location on the body to ink it. Some men prefer to start by choosing a design, and then think about the location later, while other men decide where they want a tattoo, and then search for suitable designs. Neither way is better than the other, and most men consider both the design and the body area simultaneously during the planning process.












There are a huge variety of design styles that make fantastic tattoos for men, and there really is something for everyone. Some of the most popular tattoos for men include Celtic, cross, dolphin, eagle, fish, heart, scorpion, star, tiger, tribal, and zodiac design styles. There are a wide variety of ink colours available, meaning that you can get your chosen design inked in whatever colours you want. It is important to remember however that some of the more traditional designs, such as Celtic and tribal designs, look best inked in black, so if you want a very colourful tattoo these designs are probably not for you.

Wrist Tattoos

Tattoos are more popular these days and more accepted, too, than they used to be. And the number of skilled tattoo artists who can work on you is also great. If you are not sure what kind of tattoo you would like to have, most tattoo parlors can show you books with many designs to choose from. In addition to the design, you also need to choose the part of your body that you would like to have your tattoo on. One particular part of your body is your wrist; it so happens that wrist tattoos are very popular.











If you do, however, wish to have a tattoo on your wrist, you need to take the following advice into consideration:

· More Pain: Getting a tattoo inked is going to involve some pain not matter what part of the body is involved. But it so happens that wrist tattoos are usually more painful than tattoos on any other part of the body. The reason for this is that the skin is thinner on your writs than anywhere else on your body. But on the positive side, tattoo on your wrists are small, so they don't take long to ink them in. So even if the pain is worse, you won't need to put up with it for long.

· Longer Healing Process: Unfortunately, it usually takes wrist tattoos to heal longer. The reason is that this part of your body is rather exposed, so it can take several weeks for a wrist tattoo to heal.

· May Need More Touch Up Work: Because wrists are rather exposed parts of your body, tattoos on your wrist may fade more quickly than on other parts of your body. This means that you may need to have them touched up than if they were on some less exposed part of the body.

· They Are Easy to Hide: Since wrist tattoos are easy to hide, this could be an advantage. A long-sleeve shirt will do the trick. Or even a watch or a bracelet can hide it. Depending on what kind of job you may be looking for, a wrist tattoo is a good option, provided you will remember to hide it.

· Cost is Reasonable: Since wrist tattoos tend to be small, they also cost less than those that go on other parts of your body. Larger and more colorful tattoos tend to cost more. Wrist tattoos are not only small, they usually don't use many colors. One or two is usually all they take.

Body Tattoos

Getting a Tattoo means the Artist has to pierce your skin. That will always involve pain. Irrespective of the size of the tattoo, or even or where it is positioned, you can expect to feel discomfort at the very least though body tattoos are generally less painful than other areas. We all have a different level of pain tolerance, women usually have a higher pain threshold than men, and that pain threshold will dictate how uncomfortable it is regardless of any other factors. The pain is more of a burning or tingling sensation rather than a prolonged discomfort like toothache. In areas which have less tissue, muscle or fat and which are bony, such as feet and wrists, the discomfort may rise to level of real pain. In fact some Tattoo Artists will not work on these areas for just that reason. Unless men have a particularly bony chest that isn't generally a problem. Backs, arms, legs and areas where there is plenty of muscle or a layer of fat will hardly have any discomfort at all.










Finally if it all gets too much and you need to take a break, say so - especially if it is a large tattoo. Your tattoo artist won't mind, they would rather you were comfortable as it makes their job easier. If you need to split it into more than one session , that won't be a problem for most Studios and the nature of a tattoo is such that it doesn't need to be finished all in one go. Body Tattoos are a permanent art form that you have chosen to express your personality - following a few practical steps will make sure it is a relatively pain free experience.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Koi Tattoos

The popularity of Koi tattoos is growing everyday. So what makes these brightly colored fish so popular? Many just like their ornamental beauty and bold colors, while others choose a koi because of the symbolism that it represents. So what does this magnificent fish represent?

Koi originated in China and they were introduced into Japan in the 1800's. According to Chinese legend, it is believed that if a koi succeeded in climbing the Yellow River falls to "Dragon's Gate" then it would be transformed into a dragon. This symbolizes worldly aspiration and advancement. In Japan they are considered a manly symbol and according to legend, if a koi climbs the waterfall bravely, and if they are caught, they will lay on the cutting board completely still facing their death bravely just as a samurai would. Based on that legend, the Japanese associate koi with perseverance and strength.














Koi fish are very powerful and energetic and they can swim against the current to reach food or spawning ground. This fact also has bearing on whether people have their koi tattoo swimming up or down. It is said that if the fish is swimming upstream then you have overcome a hardship during trying times. If it is swimming down, then you are struggling with a hardship. However others translate this to mean that a koi tattoo swimming upstream represents a very independent person that has very little concern for what others think. You would rather be your own person and face the challenge of swimming against a hard current than to conform to the rules of society. This is an act of power and you cannot be deterred by anything.

Koi symbolism is also associated with:

Good luck
Power and perseverance

There are many varieties of koi and they vary in color and design. Many people believe that the color of the koi tattoo should be in harmony with you and your surroundings. Some of the more popular breeds and their colors are listed below:

  • Asagi - Light blue top surface with red underside
  • Bekko - Red, white or yellow with black markings
  • Butterfly Koi - These come in many colors but are known for their long fins and slender bodies
  • Goshiki - Black background with white, red, brown and light blue markings
  • Hikari Moyomono - Two colored fish with one of the colors being metallic
  • Kin Gin Rin - Reflective scales make these fish shiny metallic colored
  • Kohaku - White with red markings
  • Koromo - Ordered scales with blue edges
  • Ogon - Single colored
  • Showa - Black with red and white
  • Taisho Sanshoku or Sanke - White, red and black
  • Tancho - White with a red spot on its head
  • Utsurimono - Black and red or white or yellow
In addition to their symbolic meanings, these tattoos are some of the most beautiful works of art that you can have on your body. Many people add water, a waterfall or flowers to their design. Another popular alternative is to have two or more koi swimming together. The possibilities are endless, and no matter what the reasoning or symbolism is behind your koi tattoo, this is one design that you will truly love forever.

Devil Tattoos

Devil tattoos are usually dark and evil tattoos that people love to get as creative with as they can. The person can do almost anything with their design, letting out any kind of evil look they desire. Most devil tattoo designs are incorporated with an angel design. People incorporate the angel and devil together because of the fight against good and evil, light and dark, pure and sinful. These designs are mostly tainted towards the evil side.
















If you look at some of the popular angel tattoos, you would see a resemblance towards the devil tattoo. The angel would either have an evil face or dark colors not accurately depicting an angel. The angel and devil could be fighting while the devil would be winning. Tattoo designs can depict stories or symbols without other people really knowing the truth behind the design. The design could 'look good' to a person but the real meaning of it is only known by the artist itself.

Many tattoo artists are designing angel tattoos that can resemble both good and bad, depending on the person's personal conviction and style. By doing a little search on angel tattoos you could find many devil designs mixed in the results. The reason is because in today's world there is not a fine line of angel and devil tattoos. The good and bad between the two designs is whatever the person wishes it to be. This is not to say that all angel tattoos are leaning towards the devilish side, as there are many angel tattoos that depict what you might see in a book about angels, beings of light and fighting for good.