Thursday, September 1, 2011

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  • Harivinder
    09-17 12:57 PM
    She did withdraw! I think we'll go on to the next bill.

    sfcwtu: "when you say she did withdraw" what do you mean? did she withdraw 6020?

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  • chetanjumani
    03-14 02:15 PM
    We have seen that even after the PD being current, there have been many people whose cases have not been approved. We saw last year in July many cases with later priority date and later receipt dates were approved and people with earlier PD and earlier Receipt dates still waiting,

    Now with the 180 day rule for FBI name check, things could be expected to be little better, but we have to remember that since most of the cases are paper based, some one has to physically get to cases from a huge storage, sort it manually, distribute it manually and get it adjudicated.

    So even if the visa number is current, just beacuse the number of applications are so high that we still cannot say for sure whose cases are going to be approved.

    From, it appears, the biggest factor in getting the GC visa number allocated to a case is, having a case ready to be adjudicated and in the hands of an immigration officer at a time, when both processing date and priority dates are current. It appears that even after the huge retrogression, there were not enough demand for AOS based approvals, so they had to PD current to allow CP based cases to use the visas and ensure they are not wasted. I like the fact that visa were at least not wasted, but I would have loved to see applicants who have been waiting for years to have a first opportunity to that visa, specially because they have done everything that any one could do.

    I have been pro-fee increase by USCIS, only provided that they will use this money to expedite the processing, make things eletronic, make things more transparent, and to be honest, I feel the overall improvements are happening. Though I still see a lot of scope for futher improvements.

    We have clearly seen that labor processing has been improved dramatically with PERM. Now waiting for years to get Labor is almost history. I hope that IV and all its members direct its efforts towards ensuring that we see the improvements in efficiency that we expected to happen with fee increases.

    Lets unite together to work for a system which is fair and efficient for everyone. Lets contribute to IV administrative fixes and any other efforts which will ensure a higher efficiency and better utilization of visa numbers for AOS applications.

    I would like to take this opportunity to ask all the smart and creative people here to put some effort and find out what real steps could be taken
    - Identify what was expected from the fees increases like
    =>more information online about the case status.
    => Some tracking on how much backlog is reduced each month
    => come up with a trend of how much time it would take to complete the backlog.
    => Use the statistics, to keep the pressure on the agencies, to improve effencies.
    - Verify that those steps (which needed fee increase) have actually taken place
    - Maintain Statistics to show how successful Fee Increase was ....
    - Ask for multi year EAD/AP
    - Ensure, that once a higher fees is paid for EAD/AP, every one should be treated equally(as in all other renewals should be free)

    Keep coming up with what all needs to be done. How we could track it. How could we maintain statistics which would put the needed pressure on agencies which need to improve....

    Again I would encourage to come with ideas which will unite the legal immigrants togther and be fair to every one instead of ideas that will divide us and help one group at the cost of other.

    We all deserve to get cases processed in a reasonable time. SO lets put ideas together....................

    bible quotes about faith. BIBLE VERSES ABOUT FAITH

  • walking_dude
    03-13 03:37 PM

    It's oxymoronic to hear a self-confessed slave lecture us on 'Freedom'. Real freedom is standing and fighting for ones rights, and not hiding in a cave. How would a slave know?

    'Red Dots' are also Free speech. Members who gave you one also used their 'Freedom of Expression' just like you ( did you think all freedoms are reserved for you ?).

    FYI, I didn't waste any 'Red dots' on you. IV members are smart. They don't need to be guided by 'Red dots' to recognize an idiot. They smelled one the moment you opened your big trap door.

    Yes! on IV you are supposed to say only good things about IV (though IV is "grass-root" non-profit) but no free speech here :confused:
    You are only supposed to smell and sense good things about IV and hence write only good ... but god-forbid if you write truth then IV-watchers will try to ruin your "image" by giving RED dots (IV-mileage points) and make you feel bad-guy :rolleyes:

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  • Bible Quotes; faith quotes.

  • raysaikat
    06-12 01:14 PM
    I am sorry, I should have worded it properly. My message was for people tailgating too close. On a rainy day, one of my friends skidded and hit a vehicle in front of him when it stopped suddenly, but he was the one given the ticket.

    I completely agree. I personally maintain a very safe distance and in slippery roads I increase that.


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  • annsheila79
    04-21 12:54 PM
    Sent you a PM. please check :p.

    Sent another one and its about that Moron snathan

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  • kbsyed61
    04-06 06:01 PM
    On March 30, we all 3 received soft LUDs and on March 31, my wife was issued a RFE. This is about her incomplete TB test. We have till May 1st to submit the evidence.


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  • meghanap2000
    10-30 05:06 PM
    You want to know the "experiences" of people on how to take a photocopy ? I believe you got your GC in EB-2 category, so you should be skilled enough to know this.

    gootle.....either give answer or shut your both.....

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  • chanduv23
    11-06 03:52 PM
    Lets concentrate on EB issues. Those who have not yet joined a State chapter, please do so now.

    Joining the State chapter and help grassroots efforts is an ongoing action item and everyone here MUST join your State chapter and contribute towards grassroots efforts.

    Nothing much can be achieved by writing individual emails.

    We need to focus on our issues and do what is organized, collective effort.


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  • tonyHK12
    04-20 06:41 PM
    a special "Debate thread" (not fight :) ) where anything goes is probably not a bad idea at this point. where certain members who want to debate can be granted access

    The constant hijacking of every thread is getting tiresome. :(

    Its only the instigators and flamers, who would want that thread. Personal attacks should be banned on threads. Most people are happy just debating.

    The person initiating or using provocation for a personal attack should be banned after a couple of warnings. The victim has no such restrictions and is allowed to retaliate as much as he wants.

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  • smisachu
    07-30 02:41 PM
    You seems an expert in this option trading. How about microcap stock trading ?

    I am not a chartist or day trader if that is what you want to know. I have worked in high frequency Stat-Arb trading which also does micro caps sometimes.


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  • cashah19
    06-15 01:16 AM
    Yes she needs to be here to file I-485 and then she can leave and stay there..

    Thanks for the reply, I am assuming she has the same requirements as me in terms of medical , right which means another 2 weeks after she arrives. If she can't make it here in July, can I file under CP for her. Would she then get her EAD at the same time as me. I have been trying to get in touch with my lawyer but he's not there, and I want to make sure I add her in before the dates get retrogressed again.

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  • sbindval
    06-03 03:51 PM
    called all of them.


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  • october2001
    12-12 11:29 PM
    no my address on I-485 wasmy phisical address not PO BOX but I got my welcome notice last week to my PO BOX but the address on it is the physical address I hope this is clear the only mistake is that I didn't mention to the officer at the time of the interview when He asked about my address I didn't mention that the USCIS if they send me anything to my physical address that they have to add the name of my friend with the C/O my name

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  • deletedUser459
    06-04 11:47 PM
    i give you...

    the skaPod!!!


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  • Macaca
    11-20 12:08 PM
    They keep repeating discredited theories and lies ad-nauseum until the opposition tires out and gives in
    Border security is a good example of this!

    Based on articles in News Article Thread, border security will not be effective. Some quotes from Don't fence them in ( By Rub�n Mart�nez | LA Times, October 17, 2007

    The Great Wall of America underscores a delusional faith in technology as the only solution to a problem that has nothing to do with technology. Ultimately, such Ozymandian monuments say more about the minds that conceived them than any "enemies" they actually contain. Think of the grandiose barriers of history -- the walls of Troy and China and Berlin; the wall that kept the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. Think of their fate, their ultimate symbolism. Each began with the idea that people -- and their ideas -- could be restrained by barriers, just like rivers can be dammed. A simple feat of engineering.

    And yet we believe that our wall will be the exception.

    Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has done his best to dress up the beast.
    It will not work, because not even the greatest engineers can make a mad idea sane.

    The following (from The Border Boondoggle ( By Andrew Cockburn | Washington Post, September 2, 2007) is about cost effectiveness of border security.

    These are that system's immutable laws:

    The "threat," as portrayed to the public, always increases in direct proportion to the amount of money lavished on confronting it, and
    every extra dollar appropriated for this purpose brings a progressively less effective counter to the threat, thus requiring that even more money be spent. Meanwhile, reality -- the scope and shape of whatever threat is being pressed into service -- is usually at sharp variance with the official picture, which leads to:
    The "other side" can usually be maneuvered to react in a way that justifies further efforts on our part.

    Given such deficiencies, it seems safe to assume that, $30 billion and more from now, migrants will still be sneaking in to mow our lawns and clean our discount stores, and that this ongoing threat will ensure ever-expanding rounds of spending. That's what "militarization of the border" is all about.

    Lou DoGGs has been ranting on Border Security for 1+ year. He has convinced people; I also believed him before reading these articles. These people are forcing lawmakers (who know very well that Border Securty will not work). That is why Kennedy had a large unskilled worker visa quota: less motivation for coming in illegally.

    In CIR, border security and amnesty were together. Now border security is before amnesty with the hope that there will be NO amnsety.

    This is the influence of Lou DoGGs!

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  • skg007
    08-18 01:00 PM
    What about people who did not file AC21. How do they prepare for Citizenship? Do they need to go back to the previous employer.:confused:


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  • asdqwe2k
    02-05 04:02 PM
    I don't think the only reason is "wife's cannot work".. The other reason for most is changing employers, and career growth while I-485 is in process.

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  • peacock
    07-17 12:32 PM

    I agree that recapturing lost no's from previous years will be the best possible solution.But to do that we need intervention from the congress and the President needs to sign a bill to recapture the lost no's.To accomplish this goal we need to keep up the momentum generated from this june bulletin fiasco and intensify our lobbying efforts in Washington.
    Kudo's to the IV core for their strong campaign in championing our cause.

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  • GCmuddu_H1BVaddu
    11-03 10:21 AM
    Here we go again.
    Jees, stop posting this over and over man.

    How about joining the State Chapters and start getting active in our grassroots efforts. Our journey towards "Freedom and Independence" starta from joining the State Chapters

    01-30 09:54 PM
    on both

    04-03 05:42 PM
    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD EVENING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    Dear IV Members,

    If you believe that your success depends on your immigration process - whether it's the ability to file I-485 earlier or to get green-card and citizenship sooner or whether it's the ability of your spouse to work - then you have to believe that your success somehow depends on the success of Immigration voice and these 170 volunteers in DC next week.
    As you may know, we are just one more week away from hosting Advocacy day in Washington DC where about 170 members of Immigration Voice will conduct nearly 250 meetings with offices of Senators and Congressmen. Such events cost money. If we have enough contributions, we can spend as per our budget of nearly $ 50,000. If not, we will have to cut back on the event spending and reduce the magnitude and size of the event.
    If you are not coming to DC next week, please do your part and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. It not only finances the event properly, it instills pride and confidence in the members who will be there in DC that there are thousands of willing supporters behind them who could not be there physically but are 100% with them in their determination and resolve.

    For background click here -> Announcement about April 2011 Advocacy Days (
    Contribute to Advocacy Event on the Capitol Hill ( (All one-time contributions will go towards organizing the Advocacy Days event)